Functions for Lecturer:
Create Subject Channel
ctsubject SUBJECT-ROLE
Create a Subject Channel Category with text & voice Channels.
Command Eg. ctsubject Math-II-classA
Steps to achieve:
- Step 1:
Type in “luke ctsubject MathII-classA” in a channel
- Step 2:
Assign classA role to students of classA
Start Class & Sign Attendance
Start class in a Subject Channel
Sign Attendance for a started class in a Subject Channel
End class in a subject class and show the list user had signed their attendance
Steps to achieve:
- Step 1:
Type in “luke start class” in a subject channel e.g: MathII
- Step 2:
Students who stays in MathII subject can start to sign their attendance by typing in “luke sign”
- Step 3:
When the class is ended, class leader/lecturer need to type in “luke endclass” in order to end the class and generate an attendance list.
Functions for Student:
Generate Random Group
randgroup {names list separated with comma}_{the number of groups}
Generate random groups with the names and number of groups given.
Command Eg. randgroup Luke,Thomas,Arry,Jimmy_2
Steps to achieve:
- Step 1:
- Type in “luke randgroup name1,name2,name3,name4_2” (To divide name1, name2,name3,name4 to 2 groups) in a channel.
- Step 2:
The results of random grouping will be returned in that channel.
Check Plagiarism
ckplagia {content}
Check Plagiarism for the content given.
Command Eg. randgroup Luke,Thomas,Arry,Jimmy_2
Steps to achieve:
- Step 1:
- Type in “luke ckplagia HTML is not Programming Languages, it is the Hyper Text Markup Languages.” in a channel” in a channel.
- Step 2:
The results of Plagiarism Checker will be returned in the form of Pie Chart in that channel.
Search Result
search {query}
Get the search result for the query given from Google.
Command Eg. search Python3
Steps to achieve:
- Step 1:
- Type in “luke search Python3” in a channel.
- Step 2:
The search results will be returned in that channel.
Select Topic
sltopic {topics separated with comma}
Let User in the selected Channel to select the topic they want.
Command Eg. search topic1,topic2,topic3
Steps to achieve:
- Step 1:
- Type in “luke sltopic topic1,topic2,topic3” in a channel.
- Step 2:
- To select topic, other students in that channel can click on the number emoji below the returned message by Bot.
- Step 3:
- For student who clicked on the number emoji, their name will be appeared on the returned message by Bot with their selected topic number.
General Usage:
Switch Language
clang {en/cn/bm}
Switch Language of Bot (Available Languages: en - English, cn - Chinese, bm - Malay)
Command Eg. clang bm
Mute user
mute {@user}
Mute a user in a discord server
Command Eg. mute @luke
Unmute user
unmute {@user}
Unmute a user in a discord server
Command Eg. unmute @luke
Send to Specific Category
send {category name}:{message}
Send message to a specific channel category. (The given channel category must contain a channel named as 'text')
Command Eg. send MathForm3:Hello, welcome to this channel.
Send to general channel
send {message}
Send message to general channel.
Command Eg. send Hello, welcome to this channel.