Luke Square - Discord Bot
Luke Square - Discord Bot
Bot Prefix: luke
Invite to Discord Server
Luke Square is a E-learning bot that assist teachers and students manage class in Discord. The main functions for this bot are Create Subject Channel, Start Class & Sign Attendance, Generate Random Group, Check Plagiarism, Search Result, Select Topic.
Developed By Rainty Square IT Solutions
Luke Square - Discord Bot
Luke Square - Discord机器人
机器人Prefix: luke
Luke Square是一个Discord机器人,Luke Square被创造的目的是为了帮助教师和学生在Discord中管理课程。Luke Square的主要功能是创建课程频道,让老师开始课程和结束课程,提供学生签到功能,帮助随机分组,检测抄袭率,显示谷歌搜索结果,让学生选择题目。
由Rainty Square IT Solutions所开发